Friday, August 15, 2008

Use a Shortcut Key to Safely Remove Hardware

How to Use a Shortcut Key to Safely Remove Hardware

Many of you who use USB drives will benefit from this quick fix. Safely removing hardware can be a pain when you have to click the button every time. In this guide you will learn how to assign a keyboard shortcut to the Safely Remove Hardware Dialog.

Creating the Shortcut

1. Right-click anywhere on the desktop and choose New \ Shortcut:

How to Use a Shortcut Key to Safely Remove Hardware

2. Paste in the following into the location box:

RunDll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL hotplug.dll

How to Use a Shortcut Key to Safely Remove Hardware

3. Give the shortcut a name, and you’ll have a shortcut icon…

How to Use a Shortcut Key to Safely Remove Hardware

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Infinite Gmail Accounts

When you choose a Gmail address, you actually get more than just "" Here are two different ways you can modify your Gmail address and still get your mail:

1] Append a plus ("+") sign and any combination of words or numbers after your email address. For example, if your name was, you could send mail to or

2] Insert one or several dots (".") anywhere in your email address. Gmail doesn't recognize periods as characters in addresses -- we just ignore them. For example, you could tell people your address was, or (We understand that there has been
some confusion about this in the past, but to settle it once and for all, you can indeed receive mail at all the variations with dots.)

Have fun!!!

Need a Serial Number....

Most of the people downloading trial and using it, only after the expiration of trial they try for crack, Serial No, Keygen, Patch....

But many don't known where to get Serial No, Some websites may be infect your system with Trojan horse, Viruses, Ad ware, Spy ware....

So for beginners this is a simply way to find hack with less effort and it saves time to, But make sure you have anti virus activated before trying to get some Serials, Patches to avoid data lossJust follow the steps as instructed below
1) Go to
2) type this syntax in search bar " 94FBR"
3) Replace Product name with desired software and leave a space then type 94FBR
4) Press enter, thats it ....Now you receive Many pages which contains Serial no, Crack, Patches....

Just make a try, this simple trick works for many people............ Have fun !!!!!!!!!!!!!